What is the Influence & Persuasion Newsletter (And should I subscribe?)

A Newsletter That Helps You Get What You Want

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A Newsletter About Helping You Get What You Want

There is little in this world as universally useful and as fundamentally human as convincing someone, anyone, friend, family, client, stranger or even yourself, to do something. In fact the goal of of this post I am writing is to get you to type your email in a box and press ‘subscribe’. The box looks like this:

So why would you do such a thing? Surely you are already bombarded with information from all sorts of sources. (Side note - If you want a really really simple 5 step flow chart to decide which subscriptions are worth it and which aren’t, click here). Well I recommend you do it because it gives you an asymmetrical, disproportionate advantage in all areas of your life. Our entire purpose is to give you the skills so you can get what you want, from yourself and others.

Imagine having the power to captivate, convince, and compel, at will. Whether in business, relationships, or everyday life. How much easier and better would life be if more people said ‘yes’ to you? How much easier would life be if you could convince yourself to procrastinate less? How much better would life be if you could effortlessly persuade people to take action? How much better would life be if people just naturally liked and trusted you?

That’s exactly what the Influence & Persuasion Newsletter is all about.

This is not just another newsletter. It’s your secret weapon for getting what you want.

Battle-tested persuasion tactics, psychological insights, and real-world strategies that help you:

✅ Win negotiations & close deals faster
✅ Get people to say YES more often
✅ Write more convincing copy
✅ Communicate in a way that inspires action
✅ Build unshakable trust & authority
✅ Understand the hidden triggers that drive decision making

If you’ve ever wanted to be more persuasive—without coming off as pushy—this is for you.

💡 Influence & Persuasion gives you the unfair advantage most people never learn.

Get These Great Tips, Tricks & Insights Right Away When You Sign Up!

  • Eight Principles of Hypnotic Selling

  • Confuse Then Simplify Pattern Interrupt Technique - How reframing increased sales by 50%

  • The Three Pillars of Persuasion

  • Why Persuasion Techniques Are Important (this one is a little longer)

  • 6 Psychological Triggers that Influence & Persuade

Who Shouldn’t Subscribe to the Influence & Persuasion newsletter?

Our current subscribers include teachers, sales professionals, marketers, lawyers, copywriters, doctors, PR consultants, financial professionals, entrepreneurs, CEO’s and the merely curious. However this newsletter isn’t for everyone.

  • If you’re happy letting others control the conversation, make the decisions, and dictate your outcomes… don’t subscribe.

  • If you think persuasion is just "tricking" people.

  • If you're not interested in improving your communication skills.

  • If you believe "good ideas sell themselves."

  • If you think effective persuasion talking louder and being aggressive.1

  • If you believe influence & persuasion are bad words or just for “salespeople” and not skills that impacts every area of life.

  • If any of these describe you, you probably shouldn’t subscribe.

    Sign up now and get more of what you want in life!


1  Strike this. If you think being louder and more aggressive is effective persuasion you really should subscribe to our newsletter.